经过多天的努力,我,建筑渣 和我的朋友guyfawkes 终于在minecraft的世界里开了第一家麦当劳!!!![attachimg]33066[/attachimgjavascript:;]
欢迎来参观, 我们将为你提供最优质的,用全国最纯的硝酸钠溶液为你泡制最好吃的烤土豆!!!!!! 顺边发下外面的样子。[attach]33072[/attach] How can I reply to get First without being banned or reported, this is how I did it 233333333333 [b]回复 [url=http://cirno.biz/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=119141&ptid=22355]4#[/url] [i]OOJZofd[/i] [/b]
外卖电话多少2333 {:7_292:}额滴神,新手都是大触啊喂 [b]回复 [url=http://cirno.biz/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=119142&ptid=22355]5#[/url] [i]OOJZofd[/i] [/b]
^_^ Press 1 to talk to an employer(aka Guyfawkes), Press 2 to talk to an emploe (aka Dadaibi), Press 3 to talk to yourself(Please leave a note to yourself after the beap), Press 4 to get kidnapped, Press 5 to get drugged, Press 6 to get shot, Press 7 to call your wife, Press 8 to call your husband, Press 9 to call BATMAN, Press * to call Kick Ass, Press # to go on Twitter.
To become a premium member, go on a building with height over 30 blocks, then jump down while screaming "I BElIEVE I CAN FLY". Now, if you are not yet dead, repeat the steps above. If you have completed all the steps above, please dial our contact number to confirm your premium membership(If you can). 烤马铃薯姬万岁!!!!!!!!!! M记得话=-=
超级赞 看起来很不错的样子{:7_264:} why you are the employers and i am the employee..................... 蓝!蓝!路!!!!!!! 呵呵 看过你的 店 确实不错哦 在这里给你 赞一下。 留下联系方式。以后送货上门啊 23333 我要吃!! 是麦当劳吗,我要一份肯德基全家桶{:7_276:} 台子上的猫怎么卖 不错的说~ 我要一份全家桶 求送货上门PAP 野外的M记。。。。。。